What is headache migraine dawaaipk24 pharmacy

What is headache migraine

• Migraine headache

 Migraine is quite just an easy headache ; it's a set of neurological symptoms that may be debilitating . During a migraine attack , people will experience moderate to - severe pulsating pain on one side of the pinnacle , with one - third of attacks affecting the complete head .

Migraine symptoms

• Visual disturbances ,

• nausea ,

• vomiting ,

• dizziness ,

• extreme sensitivity to sound , light , touch and smell ,

tingling or Numbness within thé extremities or face may be present during an attack .

Migraine pain duration

A migraine typically lasts between four to seventy four hours.

a number of the signals before an attack are experiencing appearance of strange light ( aura ), unpleasant smell , or confusing thoughts .

Migraines frequently occur in people with a case history , and are thrice more common in women than men; but it will be controlled with certain medications lifestyle changes.

• Tension headache
Pressure Headaches

Tension headache pressure headache

Headaches starting from pressure or stress are the most common. Pressure headaches generally involve mild to severe pain that occurs on all areas of the head as a band of pain or as stiffness in the jaw or neck. Some people witness the pain as a tight hold or an violent pressure on their head.
The pain may gradationally consolidate and come more severe. Pressure headaches are allowed to be caused by multiple reasons including tight muscles in the shoulders, neck, crown and jaw, and are frequently touched off by stress, depression, or anxiety.

Pressure headaches (tension headache) can be habitual in some people and may do 15 days or further per month for at least 3 months It may be hard differen. tiate between pressure and migraine headaches, but people with pressure headaches don't generally witness nausea, puking, or perceptivity to light, sound or smell, which is common with migraines.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus Headaches

Although rare, sinuses headaches beget a dull throbbing pain across the face and forehead where sinuses are located, causing the patient to feel lightheaded.
The symptoms generally include nasal traffic, watery nose, and pressure on the face and forepart.
The pain generally increases during the day and worsens with movement. People often confuse sinus headaches with migraines or pressure headaches.
Sinus headaches (called rhinosinusitis) almost always occur because of bacteria or viruses. sinus infection, leading to thick nasal discharge, incapability to smell, and facial pain or pressure along with a fever. The headache subsides once the sinus infection is cured or if bacterial infections are effectively treated.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches

Cluster headaches are recreating in nature, which
means, headaches do in a group or" cluster"

of attacks generally on one side of the head They beget a spurt of burning pain on one side of the head and may have symptoms like greenishness in the eyes and nasal traffic on the same side of the head as the pain.

Cluster headaches, unlike migraines, generally arrive in a repeated pattern of same time every day or every season.
They can do suddenly as a severe pain without any warning and last for a period ranging from a week to a time,( hence the name" cluster") and also vanish for a certain period of time. During the cluster headache attacks, people are frequently seen to come restless due to the severe pain.

Cluster headaches are more frequent in men than in women, in smokers, and in those with a family history of these headaches piecemeal from these, a lcohol is a known detector of violent headaches during a cluster period.

Drug (Medicine) Overuse Headaches

Drug (Medicine) overuse headache

As the name suggests, these types of headaches appear from overuse of drugs and are also known as answer headaches. The habitual diurnal headaches can be caused by certain over the- counter pain specifics or tradition
Drugs. Overuse of drugs is defined as taking headache drug constantly for at least 10 days per month for 3 months or longer and may depend on the type of drugs. Despite the use of these specifics, the headache may moreover develop or progress to come worse. People passing this type of headache frequently enter a vicious circle where the use of same drugs that were supposed to treat the headache, actually worsen the headache due to overuse. drug overuse headaches generally vanish or return to their original pattern within a many months after the drug is stopped. Some people bear supervision from croakers for inpatient detoxification or a methodical inpatient pullout from pain- relieving drugs. still, during detoxification, there can be with drawal symptoms similar as severe headache, nausea, puking, sleep problems, and agitation.

headache migraine What can you do

if you experience headaches despite taking your current medications? Or have any recurring head pain? Please consult your doctor to find an optimum treatment option for you.

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