Risek Capsule Ingredients - All You Need To Know About This Acid Reducing Supplement


RISEK also known as an antacid capsule, it plays an effective role in the treatment of many stomach-related problems. This drug effectively treats acidity and heartburn caused by racy foods or an unhealthy life.

The active component of this capsule is Omeprazole which belongs to a group of specifics known as proton pump impediments. Croakers describes a wide range of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases and is helpful in treatment. The active component shows effectiveness by reducing the acid situations that your stomach makes.

Risek capsule comes in different forms like 20 mg and 40 mg. If stomach problems aren't severe also croakers define 20 mg for utmost cases. still, Risek 40 mg is more effective if stomach problems are severe or delicate to control. also, it also comes in the form of infusion and sachet.

People in Pakistan also search for Risek tablets. But the manufacturer company does n’t make Risek tablets. still, in foreign countries, you can find tablets fluently but not in Pakistan.

Risek Capsule Uses

Getz pharma manufacture this capsule which treats different stomach and intestinal conditions in grown-ups

1. Gastro- Esophageal Influx Disease

When there's an raised product of acid in the stomach, the acid may come back into the esophagus. If the acid comes back to the esophagus it's known as GERD. It's a complicated complaint and can affect the stomach indeed for a long time.

If the case does n’t get effective treatment for a gastro- esophageal complaint also it can lead to severe complications. When you consume Risek Capsule regularly for some days, the acid product in the stomach begins to reduce and therefore there's a relief in GERD.

2. Helicobacter Pylori

When a particular bacteria affect your stomach it's called helicobacter pylori(H. pylori). This capsule can be an effective option when you consume it with an antibiotic similar as a Flagyl tablet.

3. Gastric Ulcer

When blisters appear on the filling of the stomach it's called gastric ulcers. You witness different symptoms similar as nausea, dark droppings, and indeed blood puking due to gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcer tends to vanish when this drug kills dangerous bacteria in the stomach.

4. Duodenal Ulcer

Duodenal ulcer is completely different from gastric ulcer because it develops in the small intestine( duodenum) unlike gastric ulcer that affects the filling of the stomach. It's also known as peptic ulcer.

Duodenal ulcers substantially beget indigestion and a reduction in weight. Risek capsule works also as it shows effectiveness against gastric ulcers.

5. NSAID- Associated Ulcers

When cases consume anodynes like non-steroidalanti-inflamatory medicines, there's a negative impact on the stomach. These drugs increase the pitfalls of heartburn, acidity, and ulcers.

thus, when doctor of general doctor recommend NSAIDs, they also include acid reducers in the tradition to help acidity and heartburn.

6. Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome

It's a rare complaint. When excrescences develop in the first part of the small intestine, it's called Z- E pattern. These excrescences, also known as gastrinomas, beget the stomach to produce acid in high quantities.

Risek Capsule works against these excrescences and reduces the situations of acid.

7. Dyspepsia

Do n’t worry, dyspepsia may sound like a severe complaint but in reality, it's not. It's a medical term used for indigestion. People can witness bloating or stomach wholeness due to it. also, it can also beget inordinate burping or heartburn.

occasionally, high situations of acid in the stomach cause dyspepsia. If the acid is the cause also this capsule can be effective enough to use.

Are Risek Capsules Only Effective for Grown-ups (adult)?

Yes, this drug is also effective for children. still, only doctor can recommend it for children according to their age and weight.

According to the manufacturer, it can treat influx esophagitis, heartburn, and acid regurgitation in children who are above one time and have a weight of further than 10 kg. It can also be specified to treatH. pylori in children above four.

also, the data for children below one and with a weight lower than 10 kg isn't available.

When you, whether children or grown-ups, consume any drug there are pitfalls of mild to moderate side effects. Risek capsule uses also involve the pitfalls of some side effécts.

Side effects of Risek Capsule?

The possible side effect of Risek are

• Pain in the tummy

• Headache

• Signs of lupus

• Severe dizziness

• Low situations of magnesium in the blood

• briefness of breath

• Muscle spasms

• Worsening common pain

• Seizures

• patient diarrhea

• Bloody droppings

• Irregular twinkle

• lump in the lymph bumps

• Unusual weakness

• Mild to moderate fever

• Sore lingo


• Nausea 

• vomiting, 


• abdominal pain, 

• diarrhea 


• headache are reported.

Also apathy, depression and confusion are described in single cases.

The symptoms described are transient and no serious outcome has been reported. Treatment: No specific antidote for omeprazole over dosage is understood.

People generally search, other than uses and side effects, for information about this capsule. 


How to use Risek for effective results?

Some people take this capsule after consuming a mess. But this is the stylish way. Its effectiveness decreases significantly when you use it after refections.

You need to consume Risek on an empty stomach, especially in the morning because there's further acid in the stomach when you awake. You can also take it in the evening thirty twinkles to an hour before a mess.

For how numerous days do the cases need to take it?

generally, the treatment lasts for two weeks. still, the course of treatment can be increased or dropped if symptoms are severe or moderate.


How long does Risek take to work?

The active component of this capsule starts working within thirty twinkles. But it may take two to three days or more in some cases to reduce stomach acidity and heartburn.

Is Rizek Capsule safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding women?

No adverse effects of omeprazole on pregnancy or on the health of the foetus/newborn child as per results from three prospective epidemiological studies (more than 1000 exposed outcomes). Omeprazole may be used during pregnancy.

Risek capsule for Nursing Mothers

Omeprazole is excreted in breast milk but isn't likely to influence the kid when therapeutic doses are used.

Does Risek interact with other specifics?

Yes, it can interact with other drugs similar as rifampin, cilostazol, clopidogrel,etc.

Special Population Dosage for Hepatic Impaired Patients: A maximum daily dose of 20mg is usually recommended for patients with impaired hepatic function.


The latest price of risek capsule 40mg is: 675 rupees pack of 21 capsule.
The latest price of risek capsule 20mg is: 483 rupees pack of 21 capsule.

The Bottom Line!

Regular use of Risek capsule effectively reduces the inflexibility of several stomach and intestinal diseases. A general Doctor may recommend certain preventives while taking this drug. You can get maximum goods by following these preventives.

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